Kids Lighthouse was born with a hope of giving my children stories that were pure and engaging. In 2017 I set out to find books for my kids in hopes of

having a nice story with good morals and most of all, faith. I found myself searching for devotionals and stories but had a hard time finding ones that

were what I was looking for. At that point, I decided to make them myself. I never had a dream of becoming a writer but the books were being made for

my children so I enjoyed it. Recently, in November 2023, I decided to make a story called A Different Kind of Fox. I wanted something that would be an

adorable story as well as have good morals and faith to back it up. A story that shows you that it's OK to be different and a story that glorifies God. I

don't know where this journey will lead me, but, I do know that I am enjoying writing more and more. Whatever God has planned for me, I say yes.

Whether it's a journey of writing or something else, I trust Him. I hope that you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. I also hope

that your kids find comfort in the pages as well as yourself. Sometimes we all feel a little different. But that's what makes you so special!